
about Human

Mochen 003. 15/02/20

The more people I know, the less I understand people.
The more women I fall in love with, the less I know about love
I don't know anyone, anything, anymore.


Cynthia said...

you drew it? amazing.

per Oscar Wilde, women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.

Ming Tse Chen said...

Dear Cynthia, thanks for your compliment, I did draw this few days ago,really enjoyed it, but I find it really creepy in some part, like the zipper on the tomato :D.Anyways, glad you like my drawing. And about communication between human, especially when we talk about love or any intimate relationship, I think it's being wrapped with useless complication and disguise. When do we stop saying "I like you" directly or insist to share something we love to the one we like, that's how we show love when we are children. Just finished the movie [Before Sunset], thinking maybe you're right, women's brain is different from men's, but I still believe that only through mutual understanding we can only be in love with someone. Without communication, it's only sex. My point is, mysteriousness does make women more attractive to men, but why we spend so many energy to play this love game instead of direct communication. Like->be together->Love/Don't like->End. That's ideal for me, easy, efficient, and cut the crap. don't know what you think?

Cynthia said...

you did draw very nicely, how come i didnt know that in uk?! next time we meet, i will insist you drawing one for me.

as to the communication part, well, Wilde is a gay, so you may challenge his way of thinking by using a mind of a straight guy. hehe~

ok, get back to the more serious part. tho i have heard that some are damn good at playing the "game of love" or "play hard to get" etc., i agree that finally efficient communication matters coz men & women's brains are diff.

but i never use "efficiency" to evaluate the process. coz you simply cannot have a clear cut in-between "Like->be together->Love/Don't like->End". you battle back and forth, run into totally disorder...if you think you are smart or sane in love, then probably you are not in love at all. in an ideal world, u can have a whistle to blow to start or stop the game in love, but sadly, the world is obviously not perfect after all.

Ming Tse Chen said...

Dear Cynthia,
I will draw you one when I see you :D

I googled Wilde the other day, the interesting part is even though he's gay, he still had two kids, and they are really cute. Found it really interesting to watch their family branches.(and how different they look like after growing up)

I guess I was being cynical when I wrote this, being single for too long...maybe :P Anyways, I still believe in love and searching for it, trying my best to understand people I care and like, human is interesting, good to be one of them in this life.

Cynthia said...

my curiosity to wilde just stops at the gay part, i have no idea about him having kids. bi-sexual then?

my version of being single for too long is to feel that i may be forever single, and the worse part (per my parents) is that i am perfectly ok being alone and give up the interest in seeking one companion. ;)

p.s. a promise is a promise, we shall meet one day.